
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Will stress make you or break you?

STRESS! I've had my fair share of it lately and it's definitely taken me for a ride. After months of trying everything we could to prevent it, our house is going into foreclosure. Me being the worrier that I am, I am left to wonder what will happen now? I've never not paid a bill. I've never been in trouble. If you know anything about me, then you know I am very much a 'goody two shoes.' I keep quiet and I follow the rules to avoid confrontation at all costs. This situation is waaaay out of my comfort zone. So now I ask myself, how will I deal with this stress? How will I let it affect me?

I know I am not the only one with stresses in my life. How many of you have something that plagues you? Something that you have no control over that you just have to ride out? Does it define everything else in your life? Do you put everything else on hold because of this issue or do you focus on the things you can control? Here's what I know I can always control - myself! I value myself and the body I've been given. I want to make the most of my time here. I want to be healthy and strong and fit. I could let this stress overtake me. It would be sooo easy to sit on the couch and sulk and eat myself into oblivion. That's what the old me would have done with this stress. Instead, I make the choice every day to get off my butt and exercise. I make the choice to pick the foods that will fuel my body rather than destroy it. Is it always easy? Absolutely not! I slip up just like everyone else but I don't let that be the end. I get right back on the wagon and start again and again. Quitting and giving up is not, and never will be, an option! I've put too much work and too much research into this. I've learned, and felt, all the benefits of exercise and healthy clean eating to just give it all up now. I want the best! I want the best workout programs I can get and I want the best nutrition I can get! For me that means programs like Insanity, P90X, and Turbo Fire. It means I will find a way, come hell or high water, to afford Shakeology every single month! So many people say it's too expensive, how can you afford it? I say, how can you NOT afford it? What value do you place on your health? Are you really not willing to take 30 days out of your life to try something that could greatly improve your health and the health of your family? What's the worst that will happen? You won't like it or you won't get what you want out of it and you'll get your money back? That doesn't sound bad to me. What's the best that will happen? You'll be healthier, lose weight, maybe even get off that cholesterol or blood pressure medication that you've been stuck taking? You'll tell your mom, your dad, your cousin, your next door neighbor and they'll get the benefits too? That would be cool.

Long story short, I'm done with being reactive about everything in my life - my health is one area in my life where I can be proactive and as a Beachbody coach, my finances is the next area where I will be proactive! I challenge everyone to do the same -- be proactive! DO NOT let the stresses of life control you and make excuses for you! You have the power to make your life what you want it to be! Whatever it is in your life that you are letting hold you back, STOP! Take control, take action! Decide, commit, succeed! That is all!

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