
Monday, November 29, 2010

Choices and plans

So another weekend has passed and although it wasn't perfect by any means, it was certainly a lot better than the weekend before. Considering it was the mother of all weekends -- Thanksgiving, I feel a lot better about the way I handled things. Did I indulge? Did I eat things I shouldn't have? Yes and yes, but I planned for it this time. I didn't miss any of my workouts and I even added in some extra time on the treadmill in addition to my P90X schedule. The thing I've had to learn about health and fitness and just living my life is that it is not all or nothing. It's not a race to the results or if it is, it's a marathon, not a sprint. Every day, you make the choice - are you going to work out? Are you going to pick the foods that will benefit your health? If most days the answer to those questions is 'yes', then the days when it is 'no' won't really matter in the long run. Sure there will be setbacks and failures but I think if you can pick yourself up and learn from those mistakes, your success will be that much greater!

All that being said, I've decided I am not going to try and outdo myself these next few weeks by adding in a bunch of extra workouts. I'm going to stick with my P90X schedule and possibly a few runs on the treadmill and pay close attention to my nutrition by eating clean. I'm going to enjoy the rest of the holiday season in moderation (as much as possible) and then I am going to do the Shakeology 3-day cleanse in January so I can start Turbo Fire with a clean slate. Many people are doing the cleanse this week to make up for Thanksgiving but I know I will benefit more if I save it until all of the holidays are done! I broke a 2 month plateau the first time I did it and lost 3.5 lbs so I am really looking forward to it! That's my plan for December and I intend to stick with it! As one of my favorite fitness trainers, Jillian Michaels, says, "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!" Not me, no way! :-D

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