
Friday, December 16, 2011

Taking control

I don't care about the latest fashion. I don't care about shoes or purses. I don't need a daily stop at Starbucks. I don't run out every time a new version of the iPhone comes out...in fact I've never even had an iPhone. Instead I choose to invest in things that will benefit my health and the health of my family. Workout dvds, Shakeology, healthy food...those are my vices. Some people can't justify the cost of these items. They say, “$120 for a workout program is just too much.” or “I can't afford to buy healthy food at the store.” Really?! Something that is going to give you better health and very likely add years to your life is not worth the money but a new pair of shoes or the latest electronic gadget is? In a few years, or maybe even a few months, the shoes will be in the back of the closet and the phone will be obsolete. But what about your body? Is it not the single most important thing you will ever have? I mean, without it, you would be non-existent, right? And you know that $120 I spent on that workout program a year or two ago? It still works and I still use it! For one year's time with that one program, it cost me .32 a day. Do you still think $120 is too much?

What I'm trying to say is that it is all about priorities. It's easy to throw down $5 a day on that mocha-frappa-whatever every day and not think twice, but that's $150 a month; $1825 a year!! And what good did it do for you? Can you honestly say that your health is better for it? I know I can say that about the $3 a day I spend on Shakeology. Choices. That's all it is. You can continue to make excuses for yourself or you can wake up and take control of your own life! I woke up 3 years ago and haven't looked back since. I can't even understand the person I used to be. 220 lbs!! I don't know how I even lived like that.

Now look, it takes commitment to make these changes. Just spending the money to buy the workout program is meaningless if you are just going to throw it on the shelf to collect dust. If you are going to do that, then no, it's not worth the money! Don't buy it. Continue to take yourself further down the road of poor health. But you are better than that, right?! You are strong! Nothing stands in your way! So get started and don't stop! A year from now, you will look in the mirror and say, “Wow! Look what I've done. Look how much I've accomplished!” That will be a great day! Don'tcha think? :-)