
Friday, January 7, 2011

To be or not to be.....a beachbody coach!!

Should I become a coach?! That's what many of you may be asking yourself on this final day of the free sign up deal with Beachbody. My opinion of course is yes you should, but I know it's not that easy! So what are the benefits of becoming a coach? Well, you get 25% off of all beachbody products so if, for example, you are already ordering Shakeology every month this is an automatic money saver for you. There's no sense in spending $120 per month if you could be paying $90 a month, right?! Yes, there is a $14.95 monthly fee to keep your business up and running but it still beats paying full price. A savings is a savings in my book! :-D Now if this is the absolute only reason that you would even consider becoming a coach, that is completely fine! You don't have to work the business side or do anything else with it if you just want to enjoy the discount. My mom signed up as a coach for just that reason!

Now if you do want to take it further, read on! The business benefits are numerous! 25% commissions on all sales, team bonuses that start accumulating once you've built a team of just two active coaches underneath you as well as beachbody giving you more customers, tax benefits, and a ton of promotions and prizes to anyone who is ready to run with this! Don't think you've got to learn it all on your own either. If you join me, I, as well as our entire team -- Team Lightning Strike will all help you achieve the goals you have set for yourself. Beachbody also invests much of their time to make sure you are up to speed on everything you need to know to succeed with weekly calls and trainings that you can listen in on as well as several live events that you can attend all over the country! Often times, many of the trainers are there as well! How awesome would it be to be personally whipped into shape by Tony Horton, Shaun T or Chalene Johnson!?!

Finally, here's the best benefit of all -- YES, better than making money! When you become a coach, it makes your commitment level to your own health and fitness shoot through the roof! You are surrounded by a ton of people who are on the same mission you are on and it makes you want to take control of your goals and that just naturally spreads out to helping others do the same! There is nothing better in my day than getting a little message from someone telling me that I inspired them to keep going! This is what's it all about and why I love being a coach!!

So should you become a coach?? YES!! Here's one final note in case you are still uncertain. With the free sign up still going today, you have 30 days to see what being a coach is all about before your first $14.95 fee charges. If, in these next 30 days, you decide it's not for you, cancel your account and you're out without paying a single cent. If after 2 months or 2 years, you decide you want to leave, you can do that too with no questions asked, but I think once you become a coach and join the team, you'll love it too much to leave! Are you ready to take a leap; take a chance; do something that could greatly improve your life physically, financially, or both? Well, what are you waiting for?!? Let's go!

Why I did the Shakeology cleanse and why you should (or shouldn't) too!

As I finished my final serving of Shakeology for the 3 day cleanse last night, I started thinking about my reasons for doing it. Sure, the obvious answer is to lose weight (I lost 6.2 lbs by the way) but what more do you really get out of it? I came to the conclusion that a big part of it is about teaching yourself discipline and learning or re-learning to make healthy choices. Aside from being a little low on calories, this cleanse is about as nutrient dense and healthful as you can get. You're eating tons of fruit, veggies, and lean protein and with Shakeology you are getting a truckload of vitamins, minerals, and all that other good stuff -- the way you should be eating on a normal basis anyway! The discipline part comes in every time you are tempted to give in and take a bite of your child's lunch or stop by the candy jar for just 'one piece'. You think, "one bite won't hurt, right?" Maybe, but when it comes to that final day after the cleanse, do you want to be asking yourself if the results could have been just a little bit more? Could you have done just a little bit better? This is what kept me strong and I did not eat a single morsel outside of the what I had planned for the cleanse. Do you know how much thought it takes not to lick the peanut butter off of your finger while you are making your daughter's sandwich?!? It's not until you really set a goal like that, that you realize all the little extras you have in a day with a nibble here and a lick there. That stuff adds up! So, aside from the weight loss and cleansing my body of all the toxins and junk food, this cleanse has given my the tools I need to refocus on my goals! It has helped me to remember to pay attention to what goes in my mouth and it has made me crave real food again. Not candy and greasy fries and processed garbage; REAL FOOD! I can't tell you how much I enjoyed my oatmeal (the one in the canister, not the little packets full of artificial nonsense) sweetened naturally with strawberries and bananas and my scrambled eggs with a hint of black pepper! It was ridiculously delicious! :-D

The conclusion in all of this...? If you are ready to make a fresh start and really reach for your goals, do the cleanse! It will give you a great boost and a clean slate and you'll be set up on a path for success! If you're just looking for a quick fix to drop a few pounds only to go right back to the eating tons of junk food, skipping meals, or any other crazy things you may have been doing beforehand, forget it! I mean, go for it if you want, but I think it would be a bit of a waste. The true secret to losing weight and keeping it off is not from crazy diets or 'magic pills,' it's about making changes to your every day life; changes that will last and that you can live with for the rest of your life! Everyone is capable of this, just put in a little effort and do it!!